There has been a ton of new work coming out for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with their 30th anniversary and the movie release only weeks away. There is some cool art available now!
The Strain FX Show and The Birds Movie Prints
New prints are being released today by Mondo and Phantom City Creative for the upcoming Guillermo del Toro tv series “The Strain” as well as a print for the Alfred Hitchcock classic film “The Birds”, by Sam Wolfe Connelly. Check them plus The Strain Trailers out here!
LEGO Movie and Pop Art Minifigures Art Show
Hero Complex Gallery opened their new solo show featuring the work of artist Dan Shearn this weekend. The show highlights over 60 new LEGO Minifigure (“Minifigs”) illustrations featuring characters such as Jason, The Predator, The Blues Brothers, Scarface, Mario and Luigi, The Karate Kid and more!
Fargo and Grand Budapest Hotel Movie Prints
Mondo will be releasing a few new prints today for the FX show “Fargo” and the Wes Anderson movie “The Grand Budapest Hotel” by artists Vania Zouravliov and Matt Taylor respectively.
Game of Thrones Prints by Tom Miatke
Hero Complex just dropped a bunch of Game of Thrones character portraits by artist Tom Miatke featuring Tyrion, Jamie and Cersei Lannister, Joffrey, Arya and Sansa Stark, Jon Snow and others! Each print is available with just the character and with their house sigil!
Daenerys Game of Thrones Finale Prints
Spoke Art and Hero Complex Gallery are releasing a few new prints each celebrating the season finale of Game of Thrones tonight including a few of everyone’s favorite bad ass mother of dragons – Daenerys Targaryen.
Cersei & Jaime Lannister GOT Prints by Peter Breese
Hero Complex has released two new Game of Thrones character prints by artist Peter Breese for the ever interesting brother and sister couple Cersei & Jaime Lannister. These follow a ton of other Game of Thrones favorites including most recently Prince Oberyn and Tyrion Lannister.
Hannibal Posters by Phantom City Creative
Mondo will be releasing two new prints today by Phantom City Creative to celebrate the season finale of the NBC hit show “Hannibal” featuring everyone’s favorite sophisticated serial killer.
Game of Thrones Characters by Peter Breese
Hero Complex Gallery has a few new character prints up by Peter Breese for the HBO series Game of Thrones. The new characters include Jon Snow, Ygritte and Samwell Tarly – you can also still grab Joffrey, The Hound and Arya Stark with Needle! Check them out here!
Game of Thrones Character Prints by Peter Bresse
Hero Complex has some stylish Game of Thrones character profile prints up for sale right now by artist Peter Breeze – they are pretty affordably priced at $25 each as well. Each print is two week timed edition and the characters currently available include Joffrey, Arya Stark (with sword “Needle”) and “The Hound”.