Universal recently announced the “Steven Spielberg Director’s Collection” blu-ray box set featuring 8 of the iconic directors films including four titles that have never been released on blu-ray before – see all the titles and features here!
Gotham Extended Trailer Released
FOX recently posted an extended trailer for their upcoming show “Gotham”. It’s foremost an origin story of Commissioner Gordon’s rise to fame before the appearance of Batman. The series is also prequel for the villains that occupy Gotham City in the DC Comics.
Watch Dogs Welcome to Chicago Trailer
Recently we brought you news of a new story trailer and release date well today Ubisoft unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming game Watch Dogs. The trailer highlights the city of Chicago in which the game takes place and demonstrates how the city is alive and shows some ways to interact with your surroundings. […]
Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Trailer
Dimension Films has released the first ever trailer for the highly anticipated sequel to Sin City. The film opens August 22nd and looks to be spectacular. Including a massive list of actors / actresses including Jessica Alba, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Rosario Dawson, Joseph Gordon – Levitt, Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Stacy Keach, Jaime King, […]
Watch Dogs New Story Trailer and Release Date
It has been months of silence since Ubisoft announced that their new highly anticipated “Watch Dogs” game was to be delayed until further notice. Now that silence has been broken and Ubisoft released a new trailer for the game which also happens to include the games release date of May 27th. Check out the full […]
Bates Motel Returns
The critically acclaimed “Bates Motel” returns to A&E for another thrilling season on Monday, March 3rd! Just in case you don’t know “Bates Motel” is a contemporary prequel to the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie “Psycho”. If you haven’t seen the show at all do yourself a favor and watch season one on Netflix or it’s […]
The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition and Trailer
Bethesda recently announced a deluxe version of The Elder Scrolls Online named the “Imperial Edition”. It retails for $99.99 and is available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC / Mac. The release date is April 4th for PC / Mac version while the console versions are set to follow on June 30th. The Imperial Edition […]
New Season 4 “The Walking Dead” Previews
February 9th is the day The Walking Dead fans have been waiting patiently for since the mid-season finale last year and the day is just around the corner. For those who can’t wait to get a glimpse into the final episodes of season four check out the promo videos AMC put up this week below. […]
Alien Isolation Trailer and Game Preview
It looks like there is a new Alien game on the way – “Alien Isolation”. Like most others, we are pretty skeptical after the last game attempt for the classic sci-fi franchise was very poorly recieved overall. This one looks more promising – it takes place after the first Alien movie and apparently the developers […]
Robocop Reboot
This year we will see the new reboot of Alex Murphy a.k.a Robocop. I love the original (especially Red Forman from “That 70’s Show” as the gang leader) – out of all the reboots coming out though I think this one looks pretty good. Not loving that Samuel Jackson is yet again in another comic/ […]