Nintendo is releasing a pre-order for the upcoming “The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D” which includes a collectable Skull Kid figurine!! These will be gone pretty quickly – especially with the awesome packing and the low price of $50!
New Zelda Game Trailers
Check out the new trailer for “Hyrule Warriors” – a full on large-scale battle style Zelda game incorporating all your favorite characters from the Zelda franchise and the preview from E3 for the new Zelda coming to Wii U in 2015 (finally)!
Mario Kart 8 Plus Free Game Promo
The new Mario Kart looks awesome and comes out on May 30th – even better though, Nintendo is running a promotion with Club Nintendo where you get a free downloadable game as long as you register your Mario Cart purchase before 7/30/14 – among the games you can snag for free are “The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker” HD, “Pikmin 3” and “Super Mario Bros. U”!
Streets of Beige 16Bit Brawl Art Show
Checkout a ton of work from Streets of Beige’s new “16Bit Brawl” artshow featuring SEGA vs. Nintendo inspired prints and artwork! View the full show here!