Black Dragon Press is releasing the second part of their Narratives series, art directed by Nicolas Delort. “Let There be Light” includes prints by Goñi Montes’ – “Prima Materia” – and Alyssa Winans’ – “Gaia” – exploring the myths of creation with “two explosions of colour, vital luminosity and daring composition”.
These go up for sale Thursday, August 13, at 3pm BST (GMT +1) on their website here!
From the Artists:
“I love the idea of the earth as a fluid, living system. My piece explores the creation of that system, with a celestial mother going through the hardship of physically planting and
crafting the world” — Alyssa Winans | “Gaia”
“The serpent that eats its own tail, Ouroboros, is a symbol of infinity and wholeness. It kills and devours itself, only to fertilize and give birth to itself. It connects the most opposite concepts of end and beginning” — Goñi Montes | “Prima Materia”
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